Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Using Fear...

Read this article, then respond to the prompt.

Prompt: How does this article relate to Lord of the Flies, especially in terms of the use of fear as a means of control?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Origin of the Seasons

Is this video helpful? I'd appreciate any constructive feedback.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mythology in Today's Society

Mythology is present in many ways in modern society. One may see mythology's effect in current literature, in advertising, in movies, and in many other aspects of contemporary life. For this blog, respond to one (1) of the prompts below. Be sure to read and respond to the responses of your classmates as well.

1) Why do you think mythology continues to affect society thousands of years after the people who believed in the myths as truth?

2) Identify and explain a modern mythological allusion (reference to something).

Monday, September 19, 2011

Test Blog

Please respond to this post by sharing your favorite book, movie, song, TV show, or whatever. This is just a test blog to be sure you're all signed on and familiar with the functionality of the blog itself.

Please bookmark this blog site on your browser too. We'll be using this blog throughout the school year. Thanks!